All pages have been done!
This autofill template saved a ton of time though, I checked and I could get 6-8 pages done a minute, where it was more like 1-2 before.
Additionally great job, you've done a crazy amount of work in a short amount of time, maybe make a reddit post, and encourage people to add to the strategy section, or with unknown errata?
I've been making small edits, and I will continue to do so over the long term.
My computer's been having issues lately so I might become inactive in the short term. I will continue to work on artist credit the best I can from public sources. Should I email a whole bunch of them to ask what cards they drew art for you think?
We probably do have to reformat the infoboxes somewhat, especially since the wikia is using the old infoboxes instead of the new fancy ones wikia is trying to push.
We could probably put the table on the bottom of the infobox, but it would make a lot of pages feel pretty empty in my opinion.
Blogs: Yes we can, did a mock up here:
Blog lists can be edited with any number of settings, since they'll return all blogs ordered by recency from any category. So we can make blog posts, categorize them as community news, and we're good. Currently it will display up to 4, but we can increase/decrease that.
Mandatory Signing in: Turned it on, hopefully we get enough activity for the gaming footer. Also restricted access on the front page so that only users who've had an account for at least a week can edit it, which should prevent random trolling.
Achievements: Want to wait for more activity before we turn it on, but feel free to if you want. Just worried it might be intimidating for new users if we get a head start.
So since Eternal seems to be starting to kick off again, I think we should turn on a couple of features for the wikia (mainly looking for Nightsavior's approval, but anyone can chime in)
3 features I want to talk about are: Blogs, Mandatory sign ins and Achievements.
-Firstly To start off with, Blogs. I turned them on and begen experimenting with them. More specifically blog lists:
Blog Lists let you display blogs by category. So we could use it potentially to display and update information, there's an example in my Sandbox:
-Secondly Mandatory singing in. I noticed a bunch of anonymous edits recently, and I was wondering if by mandatory signing in we could get more people logging in. There's something called "gaming footers" many different games have at the bottom of their wikias. See here:
I don't think it'd be hard to get into the card game one as long as we meet the requirements due to it having fewer wikias than most of the footers, but if we get in, it could positively affect traffic coming here from other wikias, and it could get other card game fans to hear about the game.
The requirements to get in are; At least 100 pages, A Wordmark, and a Background.
We meet all 3 of these, but they regularly deny/remove people for inactive communities, so we should try to get at least 5 or so members who come on every so often. (That's what the MTG wikia has).
-Thirdly I think achievements are pretty fun on wikia, I want to implement these, but not before the game comes out or we get a ton of contributors here.
Yeah, I'm just checking for the future.
Oh ok, so remove all line breaks from templates?
Also put the top post into its own page:
I found this website recently: (this is an example)
We could test out CSS stuff there.
I feel we don't have to mess with the overflow if we just move the card to a place where it won't overflow.
Aka the card appears above the link instead of below it.
Ok, made it work by adding a bit from the old code to the new code:
By tweaking with margin-top and margin left I can move the image around the page in relation to the words. Started using it on the Skysnapper page as an example.
Not noticing any bugs right now. Will test it on the other pages CardHover is on tomorrow.
Thanks a ton, code seems to be working better and it's way cleaner.
Yeah, fell into the same issue mine did which is that the category bar at the bottom of the page cuts off any image. Going to see if I can't quickly fix that by borrowing from the old css. Nicer and cleaner though.
{{CardHover|Claw of the First Dragon|___________}}extends the underline btw.
Testing at CardHover/draft
There's a source editor in classic and visual mode.
You have to switch to source editor once you're in classic mode by clicking an option. I prefer visual mode source editor, but it reacts weirdly with my browser and crashes occaisionally.
Well I've been looking around how to do the automatic listing thing. Dcl is a method I've found so far, but it only lists out all the pages in a category, so I'm going to see if there's a way around that or another way to do it to better control the page.
It's probably something with Java to be honest, which I'm really hesitant about touching.
Actually I just found arrays. Let me see if I can set a category to be an array.
I mean most wikias do that, but in my opinion they end up looking super bad, especially for a card game where you want the image fully displayed.