Eternal Card Game Wiki

Cold Hunt is the twelfth pack-based expansion set for Eternal Card Game. A subset of its cards were released early in a special Draft Preview, and it was fully released November 11, 2021 with 200+ new cards.

“Whatever Kosul’s future holds, I swear I will protect it…until the world goes dark.”

How to Get[]

Packs of Cold Hunt are available for purchase from the in-game store, and individual cards may be crafted with Shiftstone.

Cold Hunt packs are also used in Draft and Leagues, and Cold Hunt cards have been incorporated into the Forge mode.

Theme Decks[]

Mechanics & Themes[]

Cold Hunt is a set mechanically focused on managing your power throughout the turns.

Talir leaves the Bastion and returns to familiar Myria with a warning to the ruling Triumvirate of Argenport, where the refugees from Xulta found shelter. Meanwhile the Cabal comes under new management and acquires their first Valkyrie. In Kosul Svetya decides to end the threat of Mad Mage and pursues him with help of Vara and Deleph. Evelina, Valley's Guardian notices that something unnatural begins to happen with the Hidden Valley's dinosaurs.

New Mechanics[]

A card with Inscribe can be played as the card itself, or as a depleted power of the appropriate faction. This still benefits from all synergies and is limited with restrictions associated with power cards. However, they don’t count as power cards in other zones, so you can’t draw them from your deck with cards like Seek Power.
Contract is an optional payment when you play a card, and it has a number associated with it. If you choose to take on a card’s Contract, you pay the contract number in additional power to get its bonus. If you don’t have enough available power to pay some or all of the Contract, the remaining balance is applied as Debt.
When Debt is taken, it will immediately use any available power toward the total. If the Debt is higher than the available power, it will remain until paid off, possibly for one or more additional turns.
Heroes Matter
Cold Hunt has much more Heroes than a typical set including uncommon units. There are also Uncommon, Rare and Legendary cards rewarding players for playing a lot of Heroes.

Returning Mechanics[]

Revenge returns in Fire iconTime iconShadow icon factions debuting on Fire icon and Time icon units.

Invoke returns in a cycle of ten uncommon two-faction spells.


Spoiler Season[]

An announcement article for Cold Hunt was released on October 22, 2021.[1]

Community Spoilers[]

Beginning October 28, 2021, DWD sold community spoilers in the community store for Influence icon35,000 influence each.[1] Spoilers were available in limited batches, with 2 additional batches released in the following week, and sold first come, first served.

DWD would email the spoilers to their purchasers, which could then be shared with the game's community in any reasonable manner.

Pre-order Bundles[]

Cold Hunt Pre-Order Bundles[]

Bundle - Cold Hunt Pre-Order

The Cold Hunt regular and Ultimate pre-order bundles featured a box of packs, new cosmetics, and more.

A $49.99 Cold Hunt pre-order bundle and $79.99 Ultimate pre-order bundle were available from October 25, 2021 until the set's full release.[1]

The regular bundle included:

The Ultimate bundle included everything in the regular bundle, plus:

  • 5 x Cold Hunt Premium Packs (every card is premium)
  • 1 x Waystone Caves playmat skin
  • 4 x premium alt-art Wump, Party Starter
  • 4 more Draft Tickets (plus an additional bonus Ticket if ordered from the Eternal Web Store)
  • 1,800 more gems

The Waystone Caves playmat, premium Sigils, avatar, and cardback were sold separately after the set released.

Draft Preview[]

On November 4, 60+ commons and uncommons from the set were incorporated into Draft Packs in a special Draft Preview.[1] These cards were immediately playable in constructed formats, though the cards could only obtained during the preview through draft.

Preview Event[]

The Heroes of the Hunt preview event ran from November 5–10, with a special gameplay rule to feature 10 Hero cards from the new set.



Cold Hunt's Draft Preview and full release were scheduled for November 3 and 10 respectively in the original set announcement, but were delayed a day each.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 DWD News - Eternal: Cold Hunt (October 22, 2021). Retrieved October 30, 2021.