Eternal Card Game Wiki
Eternal Card Game Wiki

Crack the Earth is a fast spell card.

How to Get[]

Type Creation Destruction
Rare Shiftstone icon 800 Shiftstone icon 200
Premium Shiftstone icon 3200 Shiftstone icon 800

This card can also be obtained from Echoes of Eternity Card Packs. Diamond Chests and Echoes of Eternity Card Packs can give Premium versions of this card.


On Play: "Grodov grant me strength!"


Nothing here yet!


Crack the Earth is part of a 5-card cycle of 1-cost fast spells in Echoes of Eternity that let you swap a card in your hand for one in your Black Market. These Market spells were revealed in an Echoes of Eternity spoiler-season article by DWD.[1]

Unlike the earlier merchant and smuggler Market enablers, rather than swapping for cards of specific factions, each Market spell swaps for cards of a specific power cost.

History "Black Market" replaced with "Market" (Market rules change). Released in Echoes of Eternity.


  1. DWD News - Echoes of Eternity: Market Spells! (February 10, 2020). Retrieved February 13, 2020.