Eternal Card Game Wiki
Eternal Card Game Wiki

Ebon Dune Smuggler is a unit card.

How to Get[]

Type Creation Destruction
Rare Shiftstone icon 800 Shiftstone icon 200
Premium Shiftstone icon 3200 Shiftstone icon 800

This card can also be obtained from Defiance Card Packs. Diamond Chests and Defiance Card Packs can give Premium versions of this card.


On Play: "The fruits of paradise!"


Nothing here yet!


Ebon Dune Smuggler is part of the smuggler cycle of 2-faction Merchants. The first five, including Ebon Dune Smuggler, were released in Defiance. The remaining five were released in Dark Frontier.

Smugglers may swap for a greater variety of cards than the previous single-faction merchants cycle. Before the patch update to the Market mechanic, Markets could include copies of cards in the main deck, which could be swapped for by the single-faction merchants. The smugglers had required that a "Black Market" be used, containing only cards not found in the deck.

The first five smugglers (and the Black Market) were revealed in a Defiance spoiler-season mechanic reveal announcement by DWD.[1]

History "Black Market" replaced with "Market" (Market rules change).
1.42 Released in Defiance.


  1. DWD News - Defiance: Smugglers & Contraband! (December 12, 2018)