Eternal Card Game Wiki

When played, you may also pay its Spellcraft cost to play the spell.

Spellcraft is a keyword introduced in The Fall of Argenport.

Spellcraft user interface

Select your play area after playing Hair-Trigger Pistol to play Trigger-Happy.

When you play a card with Spellcraft, if you have the power available, you will be asked if you want to use the effect. You may play the spell by clicking your side of the field (it will highlight green as you hover over it) or selecting targets if the spell requires them. You may also choose to skip the effect with the 'Skip' button.

Spellcraft abilities can only be used once, although Tome of Repetition allows them to be used an additional time.

Spellcraft initially appeared only on weapons. The release of The Flame of Xulta introduced relics and relic weapons with Spellcraft abilities.


Nothing here yet!

Cards with Spellcraft[]


Spellcraft is always optional even if you have the extra power to use it.

The Spellcraft keyword was first seen in its mechanic reveal announcement.[1]

