Eternal Card Game Wiki
Eternal Card Game Wiki

Kazuo, Melee Virtuoso is a Hero unit card.

How to Get[]

Type Creation Destruction
Rare Shiftstone icon 800 Shiftstone icon 200
Premium Shiftstone icon 3200 Shiftstone icon 800

This card can also be obtained from Echoes of Eternity Card Packs. Diamond Chests and Echoes of Eternity Card Packs can give Premium versions of this card.


On Play: "Glory in combat!"
Mastery Quote: "Each scar is a lesson!"


Nothing here yet!


Kazuo, Melee Virtuoso is a part a 5-card cycle of rare non-spells that may Invoke their respective faction provided the player jumps through a hoop, such as paying power or having a flying unit. The cycle consists of Kazuo, Melee Virtuoso, Ancestral Oasis, Master's Blade, Highsky Lookout, and Aurapiercer.

History Released in Echoes of Eternity.