When this hits an enemy unit, leftover damage is dealt to the enemy player or site.
- Find more cards with Overwhelm in its category page.
Overwhelm can be on both Spells and Units. Leftover damage dealt by a spell to an enemy unit will be dealt to the enemy player. If you use a spell with Overwhelm to damage your own unit, no extra damage is dealt to either player.
Overwhelm does NOT work for blocking units but does work for spells played on enemy turn.
If a unit with Overwhelm is blocked, and the blocker is removed before damage is dealt, the unit will deal damage to the player instead (a unit without Overwhelm in this situation would no longer attack).
If a unit with Overwhelm is blocked by a unit that is invulnerable to damage or a unit with unspent Regen, no damage is dealt to the blocking unit or the player, even if the blocker's health is lower than the attacker's strength.
Overwhelm was introduced during the game's release in The Empty Throne.
It appears almost exclusively in , and , with the exceptions of The Tormentor, Varret the Mighty, and Rumbling Contraption.
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