Editor's note: These patch notes may be incorrect or incomplete. A copy was not archived before Eternal's community forums were shut down.
Except where otherwise noted, these patch notes were derived from individual card changes catalogued on Numot Gaming's Eternal database (now defunct).
This page has been created as a placeholder. This patch's changes are currently being compiled, and will be added here when completed.
Card Changes[]
- Feln Bloodcaster - Now a Shaman with "Ultimate: Pay 7 to draw a card from each player's deck." (was a Beast with "Summon: Your other units are Deadly this turn.").
- The Witching Hour - Cost is now reduced when playing non-power cards (was reduced when playing any card).
Unit Type Updates[]
- Amber Acolyte - Art Change, Unit type changed from Mage to Mystic.
- Blazing Renegade - Unit type changed from Gunslinger to Rebel Gunslinger.
- Bandit Queen - Unit type changed from Gunslinger to Gunslinger Rogue.
- Censari Brigand - Unit type changed from Centaur to Centaur Rogue.
- Champion of Chaos - Unit type changed from Nightsworn Warrior to Rogue.
- Champion of Glory - Unit type changed from Warrior to Gunslinger.
- Crownwatch Commando - Unit type changed from Soldier to Paladin.
- Hatchery Raider - Unit type changed from Shaman to Explorer.
- Highway Bandit - Unit type changed from Warrior to Rogue.
- Nightsworn Chieftain - Unit type changed from Nightsworn Centaur to Centaur.
- Nightsworn Slayer - Unit type changed from Nightsworn to Rogue.
- Outlands Sellsword - Unit type changed from Warrior to Soldier.
- Rebel Illuminator - Unit type changed from Mage to Rebel Mage.
- Sand Warrior - Unit type changed from Mage to Illusion Warrior.
- Stonescar Leviathan - Unit type changed from Elemental Vermin to Giant.
- Vampire Bat - Unit type changed from Beast to Vermin.
- Village Watch - Unit type changed from Warrior to Soldier.
- Voprex, the Great Ruin - Unit type changed from Nightsworn Dragon to Dragon.
Non-Functional Changes[]
- The Deathstroke - Now called The Last Word.
- Autofurnace - Now called Scraptank.
- Charchain Flail - Cost changed from 0+ to X.
- Forcefield - Cost changed from 0+ to X.
- Pillar of Elysia - Now called Pillar of Amar.
- Unexpected Arrival - Cost changed from 0+ to X.