Eternal Card Game Wiki


Theme Deck Quest Update
  • Players that haven’t completed all of their theme deck quests will now have a counter in their quest display to indicate when the next quest will come and what deck they’ll receive.
  • The 5 basic totems can now be purchased for 300 gems each. Additionally, their gold price has been reduced to 6,000.
  • Totems in draft and forge will no longer be random. These modes will now default to your most recently used totem.
Draft Matchmaking
  • Players can no longer pair with the same opponent within a single draft run.
  • Various UI improvements and updates throughout the client.
  • The resolution settings now has an option for ‘Native’.
  • Additionally, native is no longer forced when in full-screen.
  • Searching for “new” in the deckbuilder will now display all cards you own that you haven’t seen.
  • If you don’t have advanced deckbuilding turned on, you will now get a power count at the bottom of your deck list. Clicking this will allow you to control the power distribution of your deck.
  • You can now check out the upcoming season rewards from the leaderboards in your profile.
  • You can now report a player for having an inappropriate username from the playmat by interacting with their avatar.

Bug Fixes[]

Client Fixes[]

  • Timing out while having attackers declared should now correctly remove the attack blades as the turn passes.
  • The UX around the "A" key and selecting and de-selecting attackers should be more responsive, and less susceptible to the occasional issue where you had to wait for selections to be processed.
  • Players should no longer have to play a ranked game after a season reset in order to be placed on the draft leaderboard.
  • Android will now provide a warning when it can’t download the game due to lack of space.
  • Season dates in the ranked rewards display should now be correct when investigating your badge in the profile.
  • Entomb card presentations should no longer cover the playmat, preventing selections.

Card Fixes[]

Card Updates[]

The following cards have been modified. For a limited time, you’ll be able to destroy copies you previously crafted for full value.
