Eternal—End of Year Community Store Update![]
We got one last thing to give you before 2023 wraps up— a big community store update! Also included: some rewards to players for streaming Eternal or watching other people stream Eternal.
Store Update[]
Community Card Bundle[]
Earlier this year, we announced the sunsetting of the Design-a-Card product. We are releasing all 19 cards, new and old alike, in a single bundle! We’re offering 3 ways to purchase this bundle: 50,000 influence, 25,000 gold, or 1,000 gems. We’ll also have a premium version of the package for 2,000 gems. Want to upgrade later? No problem as there will be an upgrade for 1,000 gems!
Here are all of the cards:
New Cards!
- Ooze Tower (and Oozeling) (Inspired by OlorinTheWise)
- Mogen, Demagogue (Inspired by Surfwizard)
- Marvelous Imperion (Inspired by marvin_the_imp)
- Ageless Knight (Inspired by Why I Salty)
- Zadia, Fearsome Outcast (Inspired by Moltavio_the_Mage)
- Aeda, Heretical Forgemaster (Inspired by Jeabusierre)
- Unstable Hellion (Inspired by Shimrra)
- Icy Scrying (Inspired by iron_man)
- Master Archivist (Inspired by ItsTenz)
- Listening Bug (Inspired by AntMan)
- Zephyrus, Unparalleled (Inspired by TempestDragonKing)
Existing Cards!
- Torq, Ballistics Crafter (Inspired by Collecter)
- Thieving Fox (Inspired by MercurioBlue)
- Moldermuck (Inspired by Kasendrith)
- Doctor Zytrom (Inspired by Calebovitsch)
- Wasteland Broker (Inspired by Beri)
- Siege Train (Inspired by gibbon)
- Kira, the Prodigy (Inspired by y0ttabyte)
- Deans' Chamber (Inspired by KorethVahn)
Expedition Packs[]
We’re removing the random pack product and replacing it with Expedition Legal packs. Currently, this will include Battle Lines and Behemoths of Thera. We’re also adding boxes of these packs at a 10% discount.
Draft Ticket[]
We’re keeping the repurchase-able Draft ticket but giving it a slight tweak. We’re dropping the price down to 35,000 influence and making it available once a week. More Draft for everyone!
Quest Frequency[]
Quests will now update twice a day! The first update will remain at its regular time, midnight (PST), and the next will occur 12 hours later! This will also refresh your ability to reroll a quest twice a day as well.
Avatars and Card Backs[]
During the lifespan of Eternal, we’ve created many many Avatars and Card Backs. Essentially, there is no way to acquire the ones given for old leagues or time-limited promo card bundles.
When this update goes live, there’ll be 6 card backs and 6 avatars available to purchase with influence. When the month rolls over, 2 different avatars and 2 different card backs will be rotated in and 2 will be rotated out.
The card backs Enemies at the Gates and A Search for Answers will be leaving at the end of December!
The avatars Lieutenant Relia and Wyatt, Junk Collector will be leaving at the end of December!
Happy playing!
To earn influence, you’ll need to link your Eternal account to Twitch. Everything in the community store will also be available via our Eternal web store.
Check out the notes on Steam here.
New Chapter Mission and Promo[]
(Editor's note: The following was in a separate source post.[1])
- New Chapter Mission available
- New promo card, Youngblood Guide
- ↑ Reddit - Having returned to the Youngbloods... (December 20, 2023)