Eternal Card Game Wiki
Tier Reward
Bronze 20 Gold icon
Silver 30 Gold icon
Gold 40 Gold icon
Diamond 50 Gold icon
Master 100 Gold icon

Bronze: Deadly[]

You're outmatched! Win this turn anyway!

Your opponent is at 8 Health. Their board consists of Umbren Coaxer, Copperhall Recruit and Nictotraxian.

You have 13 power and a Swift Stranger and Centaur Raidleader.

Your hand is: Torch, Venomfang Dagger, Stormcaller, Soaring Stranger, Blazing Renegade, and Savage Stranger.

To win, play Stormcaller and Venomfang Dagger on Stormcaller. Have Stormcaller deal 1 damage to Nictotraxian, and play torch on the Umbren Coaxer. Play Soaring Stranger and Blazing Renegade then attack with all of them to win.

Silver: Deadly[]

Survive the enemy attack and win on your next turn!

Your opponent is at 2 Health and attacking. Their board is Horned Vorlunk (attacking), Sandstorm Titan (attacking) and Ephemeral Wisp.

You have 1 health, 4 power and your board is Talir's Favored, Temple Scribe and Humbug.

Your hand is Scorpion Wasp, Lightning Strike and Synchronized Strike.

To win, play Scorpion Wasp blocking the Sandstorm Titan. Block the Horned Vorlunk with Talir's Favored and Temple Scribe. On your turn play Synchronized Strike and attack to win.

Gold: Deadly[]

Lifesteal is a problem! Win this turn anyway!

Your opponent has 3 health. They have Elias, the Broken Wing.

You have 7 power and your board is Dark Wisp, Blood Beetle, Village Watch and Steadfast Deputy.

Your hand is Trigger-Happy, Viper's Bite and Rally.

To win, play Trigger-Happy then attack with everything. Play Viper's Bite on whichever unit is blocked.

Diamond: Deadly[]

Take back control of the skies and win this turn!

Your opponent has 12 health and an Aegis. Their board is 4 Dragon.

Your board is 4 Owl and have 11 power.

Your hand is Vara's Favor, Temper, The Last Word, Lightning Storm, Venomfang Dagger and Black-Sky Harbinger.

To win, play The Last Word. Attack a Dragon with the Last Word. Play Vara's Favor on a Dragon. Play Shadow Sigil. Play Temper on a Dragon. Attack with everything to win.

Master: Deadly[]

Find a way out of this by winning this turn!

Your opponent has 4 health. Their board is 4 Worldjoiner.

You have 18 power, no units and your hand is Assembly Line, Assembly Line, Teleport, Teleport, Torrent of Spiders, Striking Snake Formation, Alpine Tracker, and Viper's Bite.

Play Alpine Tracker. Play Viper's Bite on Alpine Tracker. Play Teleport on Alpine Tracker. Play Alpine Tracker. Attack to win.