Eternal Card Game Wiki

Quicksilver Gateway is a relic card.

How to Get[]

Type Creation Destruction
Promo Shiftstone icon 600 Shiftstone icon 100
Premium Shiftstone icon 2400 Shiftstone icon 400

This card can be obtained by winning matches during it's promotional period, otherwise it can be crafted.


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File:Avatar - Quicksilver Gateway.png

The Quicksilver Gateway premium avatar.

Quicksilver Gateway is the second promotional card of Cold Hunt. The promo quest period lasted from December 22–29, 2021.

For a limited time, a Quicksilver Gateway premium avatar was available in the store for Gems icon300 gems. A bundle with the avatar and a promo theme deck (including 4 premium copies of Quicksilver Gateway) was also available, for Gems icon500.[1]

History Released as a promo to Cold Hunt.


  1. DWD News - New Promo: Quicksilver Gateway (December 22, 2021). Retrieved February 05, 2022.