Eternal Card Game Wiki

Vara's Favor is a spell card. It depicts Vara, one on the five original Scions.

How to Get

Vara's Favor was released in Set 0, a subset of The Empty Throne. Set 0 cards do not appear in The Empty Throne card packs—instead, four non-premium copies are obtained through completing the introductory campaign.

You get Vara's Favor from the Shadow starter deck after beating the tutorial campaign.


On Play: "The touch of shadow."


Nothing here yet!


You gain life from the damage dealt by this card.

If you don't have a Shadow Sigil in your deck, you won't draw one.

If this card hits a unit or player with Aegis, you still draw a Shadow Sigil.

Vara's Favor is part of the favors cycle of cards in The Empty Throne (Set 0). Each depicts one of the original Scions and draws the Sigil of their faction: Kaleb's Favor, Talir's Favored, Rolant's Favor, Eilyn's Favor and Vara's Favor.


1.7.3 Released in The Empty Throne (Set 0).